
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Socializing at Walmart

What is it about Walmart that makes every person I know cringe at the thought of having to venture there?

Is it the less than stellar produce? The roll back (then up) prices? Is it the shopping carts that you are pretty sure you'll need a tetanus shot after using? Perhaps it's the customer that you're bound to run into going the opposite way in EVERY. DAMN. AISLE..

For me, it's running into at least fifteen people that I have to talk to, which is kind of funny because those fifteen people are equally annoyed that they have to talk to me. It should be a rule that if you run into someone in Walmart, the standard procedure is that you stay the eff away from them. A smile and a nod, or even a "hey there!" is ENOUGH so that everyone in that Godforsaken place can just get the crap they need and get the hell out of there.

And sweet Jesus, someone show my dad this post. That man knows everyone, and if he doesn't know someone, he is introducing himself to them. Walmart is not the Catalina Wine Mixer, Dad (whoa...I didn't think I'd ever need to reference the movie Stepbrothers). It's the place produce goes to die...

1 comment:

Feel free to rant, complain or just say hi. Just no hate. Celebrate ;)