Sunday, February 12, 2012

pimples and acne suck, especially when you're almost as old as Whitney Houston......

What, too soon with the Whitney Houston title?  That girl had some acne, too... don't go denying it just because she's no longer with us....godresthersoul.  Don't worry Whitney, people in heaven don't need Proactiv.

Seriously, who played the practical joke on me?  I thought the best only part of being old-ish is that you get rid of your pubescent skin.  Adios acne.  Be poof gone.  Go find a 14 year old to eff with.  At no point, AT NO POINT, should anyone, EVER, have acne if they are rocking a gray streak through their hair like a boss.  I am currently wearing some serious acne, with a side of grey through my hair that makes Paula Deen look like she just went to her colorist.  You know, the colorist that dyed her hair PRIOR to her colorist that spray paints her hair sparkly silver.  And if my delicious acne and grey hair doesn't make you want me to post some pictures of myself on here, I'm not sure what does.

I am hot, HOTT, haute...

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