Monday, September 22, 2014

You Are Getting Sleepy! Yes, You ARE! Because I Said SO!

All I want to do is stay up 1 hour later than my kids. ONE HOUR.

It's like #lameness sets in, immediately following their slumber, and I cannot keep my eyes open.

Even if it's 5:45pm...

What, you've never turned the clocks ahead and pretended that it was later so you could sneak a couple of hours (half a day) of peace in? Yeah, me either...

Sweet dreams, kiddies! I'll be following you to bed as soon as Brian Williams and the National news is no attention to that sun.  It's a figment of your imagination.  (Side note: I must get room darkening shades). Can I interest you in some chamomile tea? Perhaps some warm milk? How about 40 laps around the yard and then a calming bath while I serenade you with classical music and slather your sleepy bodies with lavender lotion?

Zzzzzzz! Those are definitely my "zzzzz's" and not theirs. They are wide awake.  #fail.

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