Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I am NOT a Negative Nancy

Do you know what a Negative Nancy is?  Oh yeah, it's an asshat of person that brings others down....LOW. Chances are, these people are sprinkled throughout your family, your friends, and your job.  They suck and you probably talk bad about them behind their back.  Oh, you don't?  Yeah, me either.

These people could bitch about winning the lottery. They probably complain about about packing for their vacation (if you are on vacation, just walk around naked...go ahead, every one is doing it. literally).  Anyways, these people are ungrateful and couldn't recognize happiness if it slapped them dead in the face.  Chances are, I'm one of these people... only I haven't won the lottery (yet! look at that optimism), and I'm not on vacation. Sigh. I did, recently, get slapped in the face, however.  hmmm. 

It's gorgeous out right now, and these people are bitching because they aren't outside. When it's effing raining, they're complaining about being stuck inside. Douches.

Anyways, if these people are ruining your positivity, get rid of them. Make them go away. Don't answer their texts, their phone calls, and certainly delete their asses from Facebook, because who wants to read about people bitching about their daily lives? EFF THAT!  Oh dear. I know I complain a lot, but I'm funny.  These Negative Nancies, they're just depressing. Awww, shit. I don't want to be grouped in with them....IT'S GORGEOUS OUT AND I'M HAPPY. Happy as hell. Smiling even!  See, I'm not like those bitches. I'm good.

1 comment:

Feel free to rant, complain or just say hi. Just no hate. Celebrate ;)